Acts2fellowship Pomona is a campus-based ministry passionate about growing spiritually and making an impact for Christ. Whether you’re just curious about Christianity or excited to share your faith, join us as we figure out how to apply the Bible in our lives, have fun, and create unforgettable memories while sharing the life-changing power of Jesus!
Our college fellowship members come from Azusa Pacific, Cal Poly Pomona, the Claremont Colleges, University of La Verne, and Mt. Sac. We gather on Sundays for a church service specifically for college students and host various gatherings on our individual campuses. Check us out! 😊
What do you gain in college? New friends, new experiences, new skills, new ideas, new perspectives. At a2f, we build our lives in community. Whether you’ve been to church all your life or you’ve never set foot in a church, we hope you’ll join us as we journey through college together.
College is about growth. We grow in our relationships, the strength of our identity and the depth of our convictions about life. We believe that God is real and the gospel is relevant on the college campus, and that forms the foundation for growth.
Go... it's not an option to be considered, but a command to be followed. And it's at the core of our calling to the campus - to bring the gospel to our neighbors and the nations is the greatest mission we could ever be part of. And we get to do it together.